My holy grail, "don't ever want to be with out it" highlighter is the Mary Lou-Manizer from theBalm. I'm pretty sure 95% of the beauty community owns this or at least has it on their wish lists. It is simply gorgeous; a champagne shade with a yellow undertone. It's incredibly smooth and soft (that's why mine is broken, be careful), insanely pigmented and without any obnoxious glitter. It is safe to say that lovely Mary Lou is my favorite highlighter of all time.
The next two don't get quite as much love as my Mary Lou-Manizer, but they are great highligthers and worth mentioning. Firstly the Soft and Gentle Mineralize Skin Finish from MAC. This is one of the most well known highlighters out there and it's the first highlighter I purchased. I really love it, maybe because it's one of my first few items from MAC or maybe it's because I used to use this every single day for 2 years or so. Soft and Gentle isn't quite as buttery and pigmented as Mary Lou and the shimmers are a bit chunkier, but non-the less a beautiful bronzy/champagne highlighter. The last one I am going to mention is Albatross from NARS. This baby has graced Kim K's face very often and as a Kimmie fan, I needed it in my life. It's a lot more golden then the other two I've mentioned, so it isn't the best for very fair people and can look very BAM! in yo' face if you aren't careful. It is however, very pretty on those with medium-dark skintones.
While I am on the subject of highlighting, I should probably tell you my tool of choice; the Real Techniques Duo-Fiber Contouring brush is my favorite brush for applying highlight. I focus on the tops of my cheekbones and dab a tiny bit on my nose, cupids bow and chin. Do you like a good glowy highlight? Do you have any recommendations? Please share!
//Highlighter-ar eru einar af mínum uppáhalds förðunarvörum, það er hreinlega ekkert sem jafnast á við fallega glowy húð. Ég á ekkert brjálæðislegt safn af highlighter-um en ég á nokkra (og mun klárlega bæta í safnið þegar ég fer til Ameríku, Becca - hér kem ég) og langar að deila með ykkur mínum uppáhöldum.
Minn "holy grail"/"gæti ekki verið án" highlighter er Mary Lou-Manizer frá theBalm (til hér). Ég er nokkuð viss um að 95% af beauty elskendum eigi hann eða eru með hann á óskalistanum sínum. Hann er alveg ótrúlega fallegur; kampavíns litur með gulum undirtón. Formúlan er svo mjúk og pigmentuð að það er út í hött (minn er brotinn, farið varlega) en hann er líka alveg laus við glimmer. Það er óhætt að segja að Mary Lou sé uppáhalds highlighterinn minn í alheiminum.
Næstu tveir eru ekki í alveg jafn miklu uppáhaldi og Mary Lou-Manizer, en þeir eru góðir og eiga skilið smá umtal frá mér. Fyrst er það Soft and Gentle Mineralize Skin Finish frá MAC. Mér þykir mjög vænt um hann enda ein af mínum fyrstu vörum frá MAC og var notaður daglega í um 2 ár. Soft and Gentle er ekki alveg jafn mjúkur og pigmentaður en Mary Lou, en hann er samt sem áður ótrúlega flottur bronsaður kampavínslitur. Síðasti highlighterinn sem ég ætla að minnast á er Albatross frá NARS. Albatross er regluglegur gestur á andliti Kim K og þar sem ég er superfan þá þurfti ég að bæta honum við í safnið. Hann er mun gylltri en hinir tveir svo hann er ekki sá besti fyrir þær sem eru mjög ljósar og getur þá verið nokkuð augljós á húðinni. En hann er ótrúlega fallegur á þeim sem eru með miðlungs-dökka húð, virkilega flottur.
Meðan ég tala um mína uppáhalds highlighter-a þá finnst mér nauðsynlegt að segja hvaða bursta ég nota oftast og það er Real Techniques Duo-Fiber Contouring burstinn (ekki til á Íslandi, kom í Duo-Fiber setti. Til hér). Ég nota highlighterinn efst á kinngbeinin og dusta smávegis niður nefið, á "cupids bow" (miðjan fyrir ofan efri vörina) og á hökuna. Notar þú highlight í förðunarútínunni þinni? Ef svo er, hvert er uppáhaldið þitt?

ReplyDeleteLovely post xoxo
ReplyDeleteGreat post :) I love your blog!
Fullkomlega sammála með highlighterinn frá theBalm! Hef fengið bæði fullt af hrósi og spurningum út á hann :)
ReplyDeleteJá ég líka einmitt! Hann er bara æði :)
ReplyDeleteThank you x
ReplyDeleteI have read many rave reviews about The Balm Mary Lou-Manizer but have yet to try it for myself. Must try to look for it here.
ReplyDeleteReflection of Sanity
You should give it a try, it's beautiful! sells it and offers free international shipping x
ReplyDeleteI love contouring it is so important when it comes to highlighting your face! I have found a couple different products I really like an Mac & Nars are two of my favs. I used to use Mac back in highschool and then stepped away from it bc i felt like it was giving off a thick caky look and i didn't need that much coverage so i tried mineral makeup then after going through many products I was redirected back to mac and found they have a mineral line that also is good for those that only need light to normal coverage with the B&B mineral Mac line, I love it!! But I'll have to try The Balm Mary Lou-Manizer haven't tried it yet!! Anyway I'm glad I came across your blog, its very inspiring and can't wait to see future posts! If you have time I would love for you to check my blog out at
ReplyDeleteWith Love,
Roxanne Carmen
I love highlighters, they really make such a difference to your face! These look lovely, I need to get a new highlighter soon. The Mary Lou sounds great but I drop things all the time so probably not best for me!
ReplyDeleteIndia / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens
Hvernig myndavél notaru? :)
ReplyDeleteCanon 600D :)
ReplyDeleteBecca highlighter is my absolute favourite! Moonstone and Opal are to die for and the Moonstone Shimmering Skin Perfector Liquid is just.. Oh god, it's life changing!
ReplyDeleteVarstu búin að prófa þetta með highlighter-inn?, stingur alveg í hjartað að sjá hann svona brotinn :(
ReplyDeleteJá búin að gera þetta tvisvar! Hann var bara svo mölbrotinn þegar ég fékk hann að hann brotnar alltaf aftur..