Yesterday I finally filmed a new video for YouTube, I created a cranberry smokey eye using my new Showtime eyeshadow from Make Up Geek (it’s perfect, you need it). As per use, the video is in Icelandic - but you are more than welcome to mute my ass and watch!
A list of products used is in the down bar on Youtube x
PS. I have a ring light now! Now I'll become even more selfie crazed..
//Í gær tók ég loksins upp nýtt myndband fyrir YouTube, ég gerði cranberry smokey með nýjum augnskugga frá Make Up Geek sem heitir Showtime (hann er gull, you need it). Endilega horfið - subscribe, comment og like eru alltaf velkomin!
Vörulisti er í “the down bar” inná Youtube x
PS. Ég á ringlight! Nú verð ég enn meira selfie sjúk..