Friday, November 14, 2014


Two FOTD posts in one week, go me! My sister asked me if I could do a "bare eyes, bold lip" look - I said yes, so here we are. It's a very simple look (as you can see). Dewy skin, brows and a vampy lip. I didn't want the lids to be totally bare though, so I used a beautiful shiny shadow from Inglot (154) and added the tiniest bit of definition to my lash line using the genius 3-Dot Liner* in Brown from Clarins - if you've got dark lashes you don't need to do that. The products used on the lips are both very affordable, Jordana and Wet'n'Wild always make me very happy. Here's the product list :

SKIN | YSL All-in-One BB cream - Clear*, Helena Rubinstein Magic Concealer - 2*, Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder - Diffused Light, MAC blush - Harmony, MAC Blush - Dame, theBalm Mary Lou-Manizer EYEBROWS | ELF Eyebrow Kit - Medium, Benefit Gimme Brow - Light/Medium EYES | Inglot eyeshadow - 154, MAC eyeshadow - Uninterupted, Clarins 3-Dot Liner - Brown* LIPS | Jordana Easy Liner for Lips - Cabarnet, Wet'n'Wild Megalast Lipstick - Sugarplum Fairy 908C

Obviously you can add some mascara and lashes with this look, I just wanted to keep it very editorial (you know, 'cause I am such a model). Hope you enjoyed and have a good weekend!

//Sko mig, tvær FOTD færslur í einni viku. Systir mín bað mig um að gera "bare eyes, bold lips" svo ég gerði það fyrir hana. Þetta er mjög einfalt lúkk (eins og þú sérð). Ljómandi húð, augabrúnir og dökkar varir. Ég vildi ekki hafa augnlokin alveg ber svo ég notaði fallegan shiny augnskugga frá Inglot (154) og snilldar 3-Dot Linerinn* frá Clarins til að gefa augnhárunum smá fyllingu - ef þú ert með dökk augnhár þá er það alveg óþarfi. Vörurnar sem ég notaði á varirnar eru mega ódýrar, Jordana og Wet'n'Wild standa alltaf fyrir sínu (til á Hér er vörulistinn :

HÚÐ | YSL All-in-One BB krem - Clear*, Helena Rubinstein Magic Concealer - 2*, Hourglass Ambient Lighting púður - Diffused Light, MAC kinnalitur - Harmony, MAC Kinnalitur - Dame, theBalm Mary Lou-Manizer AUGABRÚNIR | ELF Eyebrow Kit - Medium, Benefit Gimme Brow - Light/Medium AUGU | Inglot augnskuggi - 154, MAC augnskuggi - Uninterupted, Clarins 3-Dot Liner - Brown* VARIR | Jordana Easy Liner for Lips - Cabarnet, Wet'n'Wild Megalast Lipstick - Sugarplum Fairy 908C (alveg eins og MAC Rebel)

Það er auðvitað hægt að bæta við maskara og augnhárum, ég vildi bara hafa það svolítið "editorial" (afþví ég er svo mikið módel). Vonandi líkar ykkur og eigið góða helgi!


  1. Þú ert algjört babe, geggjaður varalitur <3

  2. Elin, thank you for the inspiration. I am having a little 'off' day and thought of dolling up to make myself feel a little better and wasn't sure what makeup look to do. This looks simple and yet so pretty, thank you again. xx

    Reflection of Sanity

  3. This is a gorgeous look. I'm really into the 'neutral eyes, bold lip' thing too, although I would personally add mascara. The lip products look really pretty too!

  4. So stunning! Bold lips look incredible on you <3 xx


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