Hugo Villard working his magic
I've seriously had the best weekend ever, it all started on friday when I went with my friend and fellow blogger Iðunn to the RuPauls Drag Race Condragulations Tour (you can see clips from the show here) - it was absolutely amazing and I had such a good time (after the show I actually met and chatted with Sharon Needles and Adore Delano, it was pretty cool - yes, I am a name dropper and I don't care).
The next day started pretty early as I was invited to take part in a two day Make Up Artist Master Class with the fabulous Hugo Villard. On the first day he showed us two stunning looks and then we all chatted and did make up on our models whilst he gave us more tips and tricks. The next day was a photoshoot day, we did make up on our models with Hugos help and then Helgi Ómars took pictures - I can't wait to see how they turned out!
Thanks everyone at Mood Make Up School and thank you Hugo Villard for coming to Iceland and wow-ing us with your talent - I had an absolute blast x
//Helgin var vægast sagt frábær en hún byrjaði á föstudeginum þegar ég fór með Iðunni, vinkonu og bloggara, á RuPauls Drag Race Condragulations Tour sýningu (þú getur séð klippur frá sýningunni hér) - sýningin var klikkuð og ég skemmti mér konunglega (eftir sýninguna hitti ég síðan Sharon Needles og Adore Delano og spjallaði við þær, það var mjög svalt - já ég name droppa).
Daginn eftir hélt leiðin á námskeið í Mood Make Up School en mér var boðið á Master Class með snillingnum Hugo Villard. Á fyrsta deginum sýndi hann okkur tvær fallegar farðanir og síðan spjölluðu allir saman og förðuðum módelin okkar meðan hann gaf okkur góð ráð. Næsti dagurinn fór síðan í myndatöku með Helga Ómars, við förðuðum módelin okkar með hjálp Hugo og síðan var myndataka - ég er hrikalega spennt að sjá myndirnar!
Takk allir í Mood Make Up School og extra mikið takk til Hugo Villard fyrir að deila mögnuðum hæfileikum sínum með okkur - þetta var æðislegt x
There is something about makeup artist kits that really intrigues me, seeing them at work is wonderful and so different from how one does their makeup at home!