Let's just get one thing clear : I love Nasty Gal, Sophia Amoroso isn't just a total badass, she's a huge inspiration. I've read #GIRLBOSS and it's pretty darn good, it kinda gets you in a superhero mood and makes you want to become a #GIRLBOSS yourself. But I am no book critic but I can tell you a few things on lipsticks. Recently Nasty Gal partnered up with MAC and came out with three stunning lipstick shades - Stunner, Runner and Gunner. I just so happened to be at a MAC store the day these came out so I felt it was a sign that I needed to get at least one. All the shades are very pretty but I went for the most unusual shade of the three, Gunner.
Gunner is a very dark purple with a blue undertone - a bit crazy but also crazy gorgeous. As with all the shades in the collection, Gunner has a Matte finish. It's not a very forgiving matte, so if you've got chapped lips make sure you scrub those suckers first because the lipstick will cling on to dry patches and look patchy, but if you've got super soft lips, you are good to go! Don't be too scared though, it's still creamy and easy to apply. As with most MACs matte lipsticks it lasts all day without feeling very drying. All in all Gunner is a beautiful and unique shade, I am glad I picked it up and I kinda wish I would've gotten the other ones as well. Did you get or are you going to get any of the MAC x Nasty Gal lipsticks? Which one?
//Við skulum bara koma einu á hreint : Ég elska Nasty Gal, Sophia Amoroso er ekki bara algjör badass heldur líka algjör fyrirmynd. Ég er búin að lesa #GIRLBOSS og hún er ansi góð, hún kemur manni í ofurhetju gírinn og manni finnst maður tilbúinn að takast á við heiminn og verða #GIRLBOSS sjálfur. En ég er engin bókagagnrýnandi en ég hef þó smávegis vit á varalitum. MAC og Nasty Gal unnu saman að línu og komu nýlega út þrír fallegir varalitir - Stunner, Runner og Gunner. Það vildi svo skemmtilega til að ég var í MAC búð ákkurat daginn þegar þessir komu út svo ég tók því sem merki um að ég þyrfti að velja allavega einn. Allir litirnir eru mjög flottir en ég valdi þann óvenjulegasta, Gunner.
Gunner er mjög dökkur fjólublár með bláum undirtón - smá klikkaður en líka alveg klikkað fallegur. Eins og með hina litina í línunni þá er Gunner með Matte áferð. Hann er nokkuð vel mattur svo að ef þú ert með þurrar varir mæli ég með því að skrúbba þær vel fyrst því annars mun hann safnast saman í línum og verða ójafn. Ef þú ert hinsvegar með mjúkar og fínar varir þá ertu good to go! Líkt og með aðra MAC Matte varaliti þá helst hann mjög vel á án þess að þurrka varirnar. Ég er virkilega ánægð með Gunner, hann er fallegur og einstakur. Ég vildi eiginlega að ég hefði keypt alla þrjá litina, en jæja. Ætlar þú að versla þér einhverja úr línunni? Hver heillar þig mest?

I agree this is such a gorgeous shade but I don't think I'm able to pull it off. My husband would probably pass out seeing me with it. LOL!
ReplyDeleteShireen | Reflection of Sanity
Haha my BF was definitely not a fan x
DeleteThis looks so beautiful with your pale skin and light hair, but in my opinion the blusher/bronzer is a bit too brown and dark, still a lovely lip shade for you!
Oh I know - I went a bit overboard! I couldn't help myself, I was trying out all my new stuff haha x
DeleteGunner was the one I wanted. It looks so amazing on you!!